Parliamentary Affairs: special issue on 'Parliamentary work, re-selection and re-election' (vol 71, issue 4, 2018)
Mon. 1 Oct 2018
This special issue of Parliamentary Affairs brings together comparative research across European legislatures to see how much influence MPs' day-to-day legislative and scrutiny work has on voters when they head to the polls. This issue also includes then-Commons Speaker John Bercow's 2016 Bernard Crick Lecture, 'Designing for Democracy'.
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Brexit or Corbyn? Campaign and Inter-Election Vote Switching in the 2017 UK General ElectionJonathan Mellon, Geoffrey Evans, Edward Fieldhouse, Jane Green, Christopher Prosser
Democratic Legitimacy or Regional Representation: Support for Upper Chamber Reform in Scotland and QuebecMike Medeiros, Damien Bol, Richard Nadeau
Political Roots of Religious Exclusion in TurkeyTürkay Salim Nefes
Guest editors: Federico Russo and Zsofia Papp
Parliamentary Work, Re-Selection and Re-Election: In Search of the Accountability LinkZsófia Papp, Federico Russo
Productivity and Reselection in a Party-based Environment: Evidence from the Portuguese CaseEnrico Borghetto, Marco Lisi
Not All Roads Lead to Rome: The Conditional Effect of Legislative Activity on Reselection Prospects in ItalyFrancesco Marangoni, Federico Russo
Parliamentary Activity, Re-Selection and the Personal Vote. Evidence from Flexible-List SystemsThomas Däubler, Love Christensen, Lukáš Linek
Blog / Controverted elections: how disputed results used to be part and parcel of English political and parliamentary life
Disputed parliamentary election results – often taking months to resolve – were a frequent feature of English political culture before the reforms of the 19th century. But how could defeated candidates protest the result of an election, and how were such disputes resolved?
Blog / The Independent Group of MPs: will they have disproportionate influence in the House of Commons?
The roles occupied by members of The Independent Group - particularly on select committees, where they retain a number of important posts and command two and a half times as many seats as the Liberal Democrats – could give them more influence than their small, non-party status might normally be expected to accord them.
Blog / How important are competence and leadership in people's party choice?
At a time of political upheaval – with questions being asked about the leadership, policies and competence of both main UK parties – our Audit of Political Engagement reveals some interesting findings about the ways in which Conservative and Labour supporters view these factors differently and how their importance has changed over time.
Journal / Parliamentary Affairs: special issue on 'The 2017 French presidential and parliamentary elections' (vol 71, issue 3, 2018)
To mark the 2017 French parliamentary and presidential election, this special issue of Parliamentary Affairs looks at the realignment of French politics and revival of the presidency, the demise of the Left, and how policy choices for the Front National influenced its electoral success.
Events / Launch of 'Britain Votes 2017'
On 20 March, Professor Sir John Curtice and a panel of leading commentators outlined their findings at the launch of the first major study of the 2017 general election, 'Britain Votes 2017'.
Blog / Westminster Restoration and Renewal: A wider view
The Hansard Society has long argued that the Westminster Restoration and Renewal debate lacks any vision. As the Commons debates R&R on 31 January, historians Dr John Crook and Dr David Harrison advance a broader view encompassing the whole of a wider World Heritage Site, to realise its archaeological potential and engage the public in its unique history.
Blog / The case for more politicians – electoral reform and the Welsh Assembly
The Welsh Assembly’s Expert Panel on Electoral Reform has today re-made the call for an increase in the Assembly’s size. One of the Panel’s members, former Clerk to the National Assembly Sir Paul Silk, here explains why.
Events / Future Parliament: Hacking the Legislative Process // Capacity, Scrutiny, Engagement
From finance to healthcare, technology has transformed the way we live, work and play, with innovative solutions to some of the world’s biggest challenges. Can it also have a role in how we make our laws?
Blog / Populist personalities? The Big Five Personality Traits and party choice in the 2015 UK general election
James Dennison examines the association between personality traits and party choice in the 2015 UK General Election.
Blog / The First 100 Days: A Survival Guide for New MPs
Congratulations on your election. There are over 60 million people in Britain and you are one of just 650 people entitled to use the letters ‘MP’ after your name.
Guides / Financial Scrutiny: the Budget
In order to raise income, the government needs to obtain approval from Parliament for its taxation plans. The Budget process is the means by which the House of Commons considers the government’s plans to impose 'charges on the people' and its assessment of the wider state of the economy.
Guides / Financial Scrutiny: the Estimates Cycle
In order to incur expenditure the government needs to obtain approval from Parliament for its departmental spending plans. The annual Estimates cycle is the means by which the House of Commons controls the government’s plans for the spending of money raised through taxation.
Data / Coronavirus Statutory Instruments Dashboard
The national effort to tackle the Coronavirus health emergency has resulted in UK ministers being granted some of the broadest legislative powers ever seen in peacetime. This Dashboard highlights key facts and figures about the Statutory Instruments (SIs) being produced using these powers in the Coronavirus Act 2020 and other Acts of Parliament.
Briefings / The Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Bill: four delegated powers that should be amended to improve future accountability to Parliament
The Bill seeks to crack down on ‘dirty money’ and corrupt elites in the UK and is being expedited through Parliament following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This briefing identifies four delegated powers in the Bill that should be amended to ensure future accountability to Parliament.
Articles / Brexit and Beyond: Delegated Legislation
The end of the transition period is likely to expose even more fully the scope of the policy-making that the government can carry out via Statutory Instruments, as it uses its new powers to develop post-Brexit law. However, there are few signs yet of a wish to reform delegated legislation scrutiny, on the part of government or the necessary coalition of MPs.