Parliaments around the world

Representative democracy is not a universal, one-size-fits-all model. There is much to learn from how other parliaments around the world work. And through the Global Research Network on Parliaments and People, we support researchers in other countries to conduct ‘critical friend’ scrutiny of their own parliaments.
Journal / Parliamentary Affairs (vol 73, issue 3, 2020)
Articles on themes including the development of Sweden's now 100-year-old parliamentary democracy, strategic voting among Lib Dem supporters in the 2015 general election, policy areas associated with personal attacks at Prime Minister's Questions, UK intergovernmental relations and spending after the Conservative-DUP 'confidence and supply' deal, and more.
Blog / How are parliaments responding to the Coronavirus pandemic?
When countries are facing a national health emergency, the work of parliaments is as important as ever: to scrutinise government decisions, to authorise expenditure, to pass legislation. But how are legislatures around the world responding to the challenges posed by the pandemic, and what are the key issues involved in moving to a 'virtual' operation?
Journal / Parliamentary Affairs (vol 73, issue 2, 2020)
Articles on themes including the mental wellbeing of politicians, the efficacy of the petitions system in the UK Parliament and devolved legislatures, the rate of equivocacy in former Prime Minister Theresa May's answers during PMQs, the emergence of international inter-parliamentary institutions, and more.
Journal / Parliamentary Affairs (vol 72, issue 3, 2019)
Articles on topics including political trust and behaviour, the different campaign strategies deployed during the 2017 UK general election, diversity among UK Conservative Brexiteers in the UK Parliament, and constitutional conventions in Westminster democracies.
Journal / Parliamentary Affairs: special issue on 'Disunity in Parliament' (vol 72, issue 2, 2019)
Articles on topics including House of Commons scrutiny of public appointments, the significance and influence of informal space in legislatures, and gender and media attention in the 2015 UK general election. This special edition issue also contains a collection of articles on the theme of 'disunity in Parliament'.
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