
Parliaments are representative institutions, and parliamentarians are representatives. But who are they, through what institutions and mechanisms do they enter Parliament, how do they behave, and how do they see their own role? And how does Parliament’s status and performance as a representative institution affect its operation and public standing?
Blog / Controverted elections: how disputed results used to be part and parcel of English political and parliamentary life
Disputed parliamentary election results – often taking months to resolve – were a frequent feature of English political culture before the reforms of the 19th century. But how could defeated candidates protest the result of an election, and how were such disputes resolved?
Journal / Parliamentary Affairs (vol 73, issue 3, 2020)
Articles on themes including the development of Sweden's now 100-year-old parliamentary democracy, strategic voting among Lib Dem supporters in the 2015 general election, policy areas associated with personal attacks at Prime Minister's Questions, UK intergovernmental relations and spending after the Conservative-DUP 'confidence and supply' deal, and more.
Journal / Parliamentary Affairs (vol 73, issue 1, 2020)
Articles in this latest edition cover topics as diverse as political finance regulation, devolution, young people and the EU referendum, candidate campaigning in general elections, the policisation of abortion and the electoral success of women candidates, as well as reflections on the Turkish, Australian, Irish and EU Parliaments.
Journal / Parliamentary Affairs (vol 72, issue 3, 2019)
Articles on topics including political trust and behaviour, the different campaign strategies deployed during the 2017 UK general election, diversity among UK Conservative Brexiteers in the UK Parliament, and constitutional conventions in Westminster democracies.
Blog / The Brecon and Radnorshire recall petition process: personal reflections by Sir Paul Silk
As an elector in Brecon and Radnorshire, Hansard Society Trustee Sir Paul Silk sets out 12 shortcomings he observed in the recall petition process that led on 21 June to the triggering of a parliamentary by-election in the constituency.
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